Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Lesson Plan VII

Text Box: Name   : M.Ridhwan Al Aziz
Student Number : 103411032
Class   : TBI 6A


Subject                                    : English
Class/Semester            : Grade VII/ II
Text type                     : Transactional and interpersonal text
Skill Focus                  : Listening
Theme                         : Instruction
Allocated Time           : 1 x 20 minutes (1 meeting)

       I.            Standard of Competence
7. Understanding meaning of simple transactional and interpersonal to interact with other people in daily-life context.

    II.            Basic Competence
7.1. Responding accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meaning of simple transactional and interpersonal to interact with other people in daily-life context involving instruction.

 III.            Indicators
·           Identifying the use of instruction expression.
·           Responding to instructionexpression.
·           Using instructionexpression.

 IV.            Student character achievement
·           Hard work
·           Brave
·           Independent
·           Honest
    V.            Learning Aim
By the end of this lesson, the students will have been able to use and respond instruction expression.

 VI.            Teaching Material
1.         Definition of Giving Instruction
Giving instruction is a process using particular expression that is used to ask other people dosomething.

2.         The Rule of Giving Instruction
Using verb 1.
Open the door!
Using Be + Adjective or noun or adverb
Be careful!
Using the word Don’t + infinitive verb
Don’t sleep in the class!
To make the instruction be politer, we can use please.
Listen to me, please!

VII.            Teaching Method
Audiolingual method.

VIII.            Learning Activities

Interaction Pattern
Sample of Instruction
Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF)

-Teacher greets students.

-Teacher checks students’ attendance .

-Teacher stimulates the students by asking one student to come foward.

-Teacher asks others students about their friend.
3 minutes





·         Assalamu’alaikum.
·         Good morning students.
·         How are you today?

·         Who is missing today?
·         Anybody absent today?
·         Why is she/he absent today?

·         First i need a help here. Someone comes foward please. Ok, you! Come here, please!

·         What do you think about him/her? Do you think he/she is a good student? What do you want him/her to do?

Modeling of Text (MOT)

-Teacher tells about the topic.

-Teacher explains the definition of giving instruction.

-Teacher explains the rule of giving istruction using previous example.
4 minutes




·         OK students, do you konw the point of what i just did? I just gave you the example of giving instruction. Why?  Because our topic today is giving instruction.

·         Afeter knowing some examplesof giving instruction. Do you know what instruction is?
·         Giving instructionis ........

·         There are some rules in giving instruction. Those are ....
Join Construction of Text (JCOT)

-Teacher asks students to prepare a sheet of paper.

-Teacher plays a recording and asks students to listen and writes the instruction.

-Teacher asks students to submit their work.

-Teacher asks some students to write the answer on white board randomly.

-Teacher plays the recording again to ceck students answer.

10 minutes






·         Now, after explaining about giving instruction. I want to give a test for you. Please prepare a sheet of paper!

·         Here, i will play a recording. Please listen carefully! Then write down the instruction you find in the video, and do not cheat!

·         Enough. Submit you work please!

·         OK. You! Come foward and write one instruction you found in the recording.

·         Let’s ceck together.
Independence Construction of Text (ICOT)

-Teacher reviews the materials of the day.

-Teacher gives a chance for students to ask some questions.

-Teacher gives a homework to students.

-Teacher gives suggestions to the students.

-Teacher closes the meeting.
3 minutes






·         Do you understand about the material today?

·         Is there any question?

·         Please find a video containing instruction! Then write the instruction! At least 10 instructions.

·         Please, improve your listening skill. You can do it  by listening song, watching movie, etc.

·         That’s all for today.
·         Thanks for your attentions.
·         Wassalamu’alaikum..

 IX.            Media and Source of Material
a.         Media
Paper and video.

b.        Source of Material
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK2XLb36mxE  accessed on Sunday at 04.27 p.m.

    X.            Assessments
1.         Form         : Written test.
2.         Technique : The students are assigned to listen and write down the instruction in the recording.
3.         Aspect      : Time managementand accuracy of answer.
4.         Scoring Guidance
·           Time management                 : 40%
·           Accuracy of answer              : 60%
5.         Instrument: listen to the video and write the instruction in the video.

This is another activity to keep students active and to help them get to know simple instructions. Again, you can customize the instructions on slips of paper.
step one
Prepare the two sets of slips of paper with simple instructions on them such as “Write your name on the board! Ask the person next to you what their favorite movie is! Touch your toes! etc.”
whatever you like to focus is unknown.
always make a few more than the amount of students in each team!
step two
Divide the students into two equal teems and have them sit in circles!
step three
Place one set of slips of paper face down in the middle of each circle!
step four
Choose a starting student from each team!

                                                                                    Semarang, April 22nd2013

Approved by,

School Principal

(Rahmi Widyaningsih, M.Pd)


(M. Ridhwan Al Aziz)

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